Hungo reality show sexbomb Anikó Molnár is again making a splash this month, after agreeing to bare all for a record-breaking third time in the local edition of “gentleman’s” magazine Playboy. As you can see from the above pics, the “new” Anikó’s nose and face appear much more delicate and streamlined when compared to the older (inset) headshot. But that’s probably only because, due to the miracle of modern Magyar medicine, her cans are now about twice the size of her empty little head.According to local celeb portal Velvet, in addition to being the only Hungarian woman to have appeared three times in Playboy, Anikó also holds the record for largest breast-size-differential between shoots. Since her last appearance, she has traded in her old 270cc implants for a pair of 500cc balloons, making her the second most top-heavy local celeb to ever make the mag, after “mature” jailbird singer Cini. Let’s just hope that rising paper prices don’t force the publisher to trim back on the size of the magazine before the next round of Molnármania, because those bombs won’t fit on the page, unless they cut out her face entirely.